Unfortunately, it is not possible to have students take these tests at home. Students will take these tests in person, in school, with health and safety protocols in place. The well-being of our students, teachers, and communities is the highest priority. To support safe settings and to give students access to the tests, the testing window has been extended so fewer students are in a school at the same time.

We understand there may be concerns about students in virtual settings coming to school to take a test. Please consider the value of having information on your student’s learning for this school year, particularly in planning for instruction next year. Flexible testing arrangements (ex: small groups) may be available. Please reach out to us for more information.

As we have all experienced in the past several months, by working together we can make the best decisions for each student. If you have any concerns or needs, please contact your Principal or School Test Coordinator to discuss how we can best meet the needs of your student and your family.