Edgecombe County Public Schools is beginning the redistricting process. This initiative is required by N.C. Session Law 2023-37, which added the geographic area of east Rocky Mount located in Edgecombe County to the Edgecombe County Public School District effective July 1, 2024.
As a school system, our goal is to ensure that every student in our district has access to high-quality education. Our Board of Education also wants to ensure that every member of our community feels that they have representation on the Board during the redistricting process. To that end, our Board of Education has designated Dr. Evelyn Wilson and Ms. Jewel Calhoun as the official Board representatives for the east Rocky Mount community. As always, community members are free to reach out to any of the seven Board members with questions or concerns, as they work in service of all students in Edgecombe County.
Please review the presentations below for background information about the redistricting process, maps and diagrams of the area to be added, and sample timelines.
Together, we can work to provide a fair and transparent redistricting process for the citizens of Edgecombe County.
We will update this page with links to the proposed maps once they have been presented to the Board of Education. If you would like to receive redistricting updates straight to your email inbox, please sign up using the form linked below:
Edgecombe County Public Schools is beginning the redistricting process. This initiative is necessary due to the addition of four new schools to our district. Our goal is to ensure that every student in our community receives equitable representation and access to high-quality education. Please review the slide deck for detailed information about the redistricting process, including timelines, proposed boundaries, and how you can get involved.
Together, we can ensure that our redistricting efforts meet the needs of every student and family in Edgecombe County.
If you would like to receiving redistricting email updates , please sign up using the form link button below: