Welcome to the ECPS Technology Department

Technology Services supports Edgecombe County Public School District in all areas of technology with the goal of enhancing the learning environment throughout the district. This includes support for networking and VOIP, hardware, software, enterprise system support, and cloud based tools. We support classroom equipment such as HDTV's for projection, interactive whiteboards, AV components, amplification systems and a variety of web-based solutions move Edgecombe forward. The department also supports enterprise applications including Google Apps for Education (GAFE) and department based solutions.
We have recently embarked upon a partnership with the Friday Institute from NCSU while building a digital teaching and learning teams at each school. We look forward to this new journey together as we AMPLIFY ECPS!
Our Vision for Digital Teaching & Learning:
Digital learning allows students to experience personalized learning, differentiated instruction, while fostering problem based inquiry and the creation of authentic products.
Thanks for visiting our page. If we can help in anyway, please let us know.

Joseph Hayes
Director of Technology
Email: jhayes@ecps.us

Christy Naccarato
Technology Support & Fixed Asset Specialist
Email: cnaccarato@ecps.us

Ryan Terrell
Network Manager
Email: ryan.terrell@ecps.us
412 Pearl Street - Tarboro - North Carolina - 27886
Office: (252) 641-2682 Fax: (252) 641-5821